terms of service

  1. This service is provided as-is with no warranty, express or implied. cock.lt is under no legal obligation to provide you with service, or keep the service it provides consistent. don't fucking sue us over shit we don't have an obligation to provide, basically.
  2. you may be banned for the following reasons:
    • sending spam
    • bulk registration
    • using your email to abuse other services
    • conducting any activity that breaks the laws in which cock.lt is governed
    • encouraging others to break cock.lt's rules or the law using cock.lt
    • under special or exigent circumstances we may ban you for something not listed here. we will probably warn you first.
  3. cock.lt has a robust plain-language privacy policy that details what information is collected and how it is used. by registering for cock.lt, you are giving your consent to your data being collected as detailed there.
  4. no password resets.